SOCIETY AND MEMBER PROJECTS This page chronicles current projects by the Society members. Feel free to e-mail the listed contact person for more information about a project. To have your project listed, contact Larry Fillion at malariastamps@yahoo.comt. Include the project name, a brief description, a URL (if applicable) and a contact e-mail address. The Society reserves the right to reject or remove any listing without notice. Specialty Catalog on North Vietnam Stamp Errors & Varieties The linked file down below is a listing of all the varieties I have in my collection as well as a few I found on the Internet. You can then compare the listing with the stamps in your collection to identify whether the listed varieties are present in your collection, or even, if there are varieties you have in your collection, but are not listed in my file. Should you find in your collection varieties I listed, you may in the excel file confirm the number of copies you found in your collection.
Further, if you found a new variety not listed in the file,
NN_NV_VarietiesListing_1946_1959_V2023_Sep.xlsx (in red your initials) and send it to duering.frank@t-online.de Download Link: (Updated September, 2023) (168 MB) NV_VarietiesListing_1946_1959_V2023_Sep.xlsx (when you click on this, your browser should download the XLSX and may end up in the lower right of the browser) Vietnamese Military Terms Download the PDF of 13 pages of Vietnamese Military Terms E-mail: imnaha@earthlink.net KBC Numbers KBC (Khu Buu Chinh) numbers, or military postal distribution codes (representing postal zones) were used to route mail to South Vietnamese troops while obscuring units and locations from the enemy, similar to those used by American APOs (Army Post Offices). Each Republic of Viet-Nam military unit was assigned a four-digit KBC number, that was sometimes shared by other units. Some KBCs remained in one location while others moved with the troops. Many South Vietnamese military documents, mail, uniforms, certificates, and awards with KBC were destroyed by soldiers and their families trying to avoid long terms in re-education or concentration camps. Commissioned officers and members of elite units such as the Rangers, Marines or Airborne units were especially at risk for persecution. Many of those who fled the country had their documents confiscated upon arrival in another country. Recently, an official KBC record came to light that lists all KBC numbers, with locations and units served. This document is in the process of being updated based on this document. KBC Numbers E-mail: imnaha@earthlink.net Comprehensive CD-ROM Available Thanks to President Richard Aspnes, a comprehensive CD-ROM is available to SICP members with a complete run of SICP print publications. In total, the collection comprises over 3,700 pages, being ICP whole number 1 through 183, years 1971 through 2008 inclusive. Included on the CD are all the indexes published during that period, as well as the two comprehensive indexes prepared by Andrew Crenshaw, and Ken Thompson. These two indexes are hyper-linked to the specific ICP, so navigation from index to specific publication is easy. Each document is stored in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) in a black and white resolution of 600 dpi. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) was automatically performed on each scanned document, and all are completely word and phrase searchable, either individually, or globally. To obtain your copy of the CD-ROM, please send $50.00 plus postage ($2.00 domestic or $4.00 foreign) to: Ron Bentley - Editor / Executive Secretary 2600 North 24th Street Arlingon, VA 22207 E-mail: ron.bentley@verizon.net CD-ROM: The Revenues of Viet-Nam (Currently OUT OF PRINT) An electronic catalog providing catalog numbers and prices for all known local and national revenue issues of Viet-Nam is now available. This is destined to become the standard reference for Vietnamese revenues. Copies are available for $20 plus postage. Half of the proceeds benefit an orphanage in Hue, Viet-Nam. Download Password Protected Copies (password will be needed) Indo-China Revenue Stamp Catalog Appendix A Duston Laos Catalog Appendix B Pecule Stamps on Cover Appendix C Viet Nam Regions Questions about the catalog: rkaspnes@garuda.com Ordering Information (currently OUT OF PRINT): Ron Bentley CD-ROM: Vietnamese Military Mail (Currently OUT OF PRINT) High-quality scans of Joe Cartafalsa's 10-frame exhibit on Vietnamese Military Mail have been transferred to CD-ROM. Click here for a write up about the CD. Click here for a sample exhibit page (425k). The CD-ROM is available for purchase from Ron Bentley. Price is $20 postage paid in the US; $24 to other countries. Exhibit Information: rkaspnes@garuda.com Ordering Information (currently OUT OF PRINT): Ron Bentley CD-ROM / Book: Commemorative Postal Markings of French Indo-china, Viet-Nam, Cambodia and Laos until 1976 This two-CD set lists and illustrates hundreds upon hundreds of commemorative markings including First Day Covers, handstamps, special cancels, souvenir cards, maximum cards, souvenir sheets, etc. This comprehensive tome is a must-have for FDC collectors as well as anyone with an interest in South East Asia philately. Price is $45 on CD-ROM or $150 printed in full color. Contact: Richard Aspnes L'Indochine Française dans la tourmente (1940-1955+) SICP member Jean Goanvic notified me about the new World War II addition to his web site. Created by a true historian, it is difficult to say whether the site is a historical site with strong philatelic underpinnings or it is a philatelic web site with strong historical underpinnings. In either case, for its depth and breadth, it is a “must see” for the entire SICP membership at: http://www.histoire-et-philatelie.fr/ and click on L'Indochine Française dans la tourmente (1940-1955+). Jean’s work shows how a niche of Indochinese postal history can be developed into a comprehensive study with many dimensions. Jean welcomes comments and corrections Entire Contents ©1999-2021 Society of Indo-China Philatelists. All Rights Reserved - Site managed by Larry Fillion. |