
APS Affiliate Member
APS Affiliate #38

Dues Notice for 2025

The November 2024 issue of The Indo-China Philatelist was distributed with the annual dues notice for 2025. Despite ever-increasing postal costs, dues will stay at the 2024 levels for the next year for those receiving paper copies. [Note that there is a small increase in PayPal fees.] There has been talk about eliminating paper copies of the journal as it represents a major consumption of society resources. The officers still have this under advisement for the coming year. If you have an opinion on this subject, consider submitting a letter to the editor of ICP.

Application for Membership

If you are interested in joining our group of dedicated but casual philatelists, please fill out the Application.

The Indo-china Philatelist is sent electronically in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format to members who have requested to receive it in this format. The electronic format has full-color images and it arrives the moment Ron Bentley has finished compiling it. If you'd like to receive your issue via e-mail or as a download from the web, contact Ron Bentley to let him know. SICP logo
The Latest ICP

Issue 267 includes the following articles:
  • Military Detachment in Laos (2825)
  • Editor/ Executive Secretary’s Report (2827)
  • On-Line Resources: Auxiliary Markings Club (2827)
  • Book Review: Catalogue des Entiers Postaux (2828)
  • Spectacular Cover from Indochina to Africa (2829)
  • Chaffanjon and the LJC Perfin (2832)
  • Varieties of Cambodia’s VIVE LA PAIX Issue (2839)
  • More on Postmarks from Takeo (2829)

ICP on DVD, 2015 (sixth) Edition Now Available (Richard K. Aspnes)

The 2015 edition is now available and can be purchased from the Executive Secretary. (Ron Bentley, 2600 North 24th Street, Arlingon, VA 22207 or by E-mail: This edition includes ICP issues whole numbers 1 (1971) through 200 (2015), supplements 1 through 5, and several early special society publications. The edition includes the indexes "Author and KeyWord Index 1971 2009" by Kenneth R. Thompson, and "Twentieth Century Subject Index 1971-1999" by Director Andrew Crenshaw. Each of these indexes is hyperlinked from the index entry to the specific ICP referenced.

Additionally, this edition, comprising in total 245 files, and 5250 pages, is word indexed. Searching the whole word index uses the inherent functionally of Adobe® Acrobat Reader. Each ICP has included extended metadata, edition identification and table of contents, that enhances the use of the word index.

The cost of the ICP Archive is $55.00 for addresses in the US and $75.00 for foreign addresses.

SICP Publication Wins APS Award

The American Philatelic Society conducted its annual literature competition in connection its annual StampShow held in Portland, Oregon during 4-7 August 2016. SICP's publication PTT Service in Indochina (From its Origins until 1940) earned a vermeil award in the Handbook Category. René Despierres wrote the history and the little-known report languished in obscurity since World War II. This SICP project was conceived by SICP member Joel Montague, who provided the introduction to the work. Marie-Hélène Arnauld translated the original French into highly readable English text. APS Award

Printable International Control Commission Album Pages

The printable album contains pages for the stamps issued by India for use by the ICC members in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia Stamps. The pages fit to A4 paper size so you can print them in your home printer and mount your stamps.
Note: when printing the pages, please choose "none" under "Page Scaling" in your printer instructions (Otherwise, the stamp frames would shrink).

ICC2015.pdf (Updated Jan 30, 2015) by Eli Moallem

Printable National Liberation Front (Vietcong) Stamp Album Pages

The printable album contains pages for all the stamps issued for the Vietcong forces in South Vietnam during 1963-1976. The pages are fully illustrated by high resolution images and include spaces for the stamps. The album contains short introduction and each stamp is accompanied by a short description. The pages fit to A4 paper size so you can print them in your home printer and mount your stamps.
Note: when printing the pages, please choose "none" under "Page Scaling" in your printer instructions (Otherwise, the stamp frames would shrink).

Note:I have created a centered version of the album PDF for storing in document protectors that I can send to collectors need to use this version.

Vietcong_Album_June_2015.pdf by Eli Moallem

40th SICP anniversary pin.

In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Society's founding, a membership pin is being made available for purchase. Please see all of the information for the 40th SICP anniversary pin.

Author & Keyword/Title Index - 1971-2009

Author & Keyword/Title Index - 1971-2009

South Vietnam at War 1952 - 1956 (2009 NAPEX Presentation)

South Vietnam at War 1952 - 1956 (4 MB, PDF format).

Kingdom of Laos Stamps Album Exhibition

In the Exhibits section, E. Moallem exhibits his Kingdom of Laos stamps album. The exhibition depicts a complete collection of the stamps and souvenir sheets issued by the Kingdom of Laos from 1951 to 1975 with thematic descriptions emphasize on Lao culture, tradition and history.

SICP Revenue Catalog Garners Award

The Society's Indo-china Revenue Stamp Catalog (second edition) received a vermeil award in the literature exhibit at NAPEX in June 2008. With 40 publications competing, NAPEX now has the third largest literature competition in the United States. The award breakdown was as follows: 1 Grand Prize gold, 15 gold, 11 vermeil, 8 silver, 1 silver-bronze and 5 non-competitive.
Please read a little more on the catalog.

March 2008 Supplement to the ICP.


Distributed with the March 2008 ICP is a special supplement prepared by Joel Montague. The document is a translation of a portion of a comprehensive work by J. de Galembert, "Administrator First Class of the Civil Services in Indochina" ,on public administration covering the French Indochinese postal service up to the year 1924. The text is complemented with a selection of postcards from Joel's extensive collection.

SOCIETY NEWS - ICP Garners Award

At the literature competition held in connection with the American Philatelic Society's StampShow in Columbus, Ohio on 7-10 August, The Indo-China Philatelist was awarded a "vermeil." A total of 28 journals were in the "periodicals" competition. The distribution of awards in the "Periodicals" Category was as follows: 1 Best in Class, 3 gold, 9 vermeil, 8 silver, and 4 silver-bronze. Three periodicals were not in competition. See the award.

Other News

A Yahoo! Group has been established for SICP members. You can chat with other collectors at the site, post your want list, share images of items in your collection, etc. Visit the group here. Please use it to post comments, ideas, questions, stamp finds, news, etc.

There is a membership information and a way to order a sample copy of the journal.

Entire Contents ©1999-2021 Society of Indo-China Philatelists. All Rights Reserved - Site managed by Larry Fillion.