Current and Past ICP Issues and Special Issues
Author & Keyword/Title Index - 1971-2009 A comprehensive 40-page index of The Indo-China Philatelist is now available to members of SICP. Every issue of ICP from 1971 to 2009 (Whole Numbers 1-190) is included in the index. The document is actually divided into two separate indexes. The first index is an alphabetical list based on author's name followed by the article title and the issue of The Indo-China Philatelist (in bold print) followed by a hyphen with the starting page number of the article. In general, each article is listed on a separate line. The second index is a rearrangement and expansion of the author index. Again alphabetical, it lists the same entries by the title. Oft times the first word of a title does not convey much information about the article's content. Hence, the titles were, in many cases, rearranged so that a key word appears first. As a result, many articles appear more than once in the Keyword/Title Index. In addition to listing by keyword, having this document in electronic form allows the user to search for specific terms, something not possible in the old paper-only world. SICP owes a great debt of gratitude to Ken Thompson who single-handedly compiled this significant document. It will serve researchers and casual readers alike for many years to come. The latest issues of the Indo-china Philatelist may be downloaded via the links at the bottom of this page. This electronic version of the newsletter is in PDF format, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your computer. If you are not a SICP member, please join before downloading this file. Membership is well-worth the nominal annual fee and includes a subscription to the Society Journal. Membership information is available here: http://www.sicp-online.org/info/index.htm Please note that when the PDF is opened, you will be prompted for a password. This password should have been emailed to you. If you did not receive the email or you have forgotten the password, please email Ron Bentley. For issues earlier than the current membership year, electronic copies are $1.00. When clicking on the PDF links in Chrome, the file will be downloaded but nothing will happen after the spinning icon with the word 'Loading' stops spinning. If you refresh the page, the pdf will open and you will be prompted for the password. Journal Issues
Specialized Studies
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